Jalaludin Jalali

Event Announcement: 
The Association of Private Universities and Institutes of Higher Education in Afghanistan (APUIHEA) and Afghan private banks and financial institutions with the support of USAID’s FAIDA project will conduct a joint one-day event/conference in the near future. The objectives are to interconnect these institutions in order to create cooperation opportunities among these sectors for improving their services.
In a due time the top management of private universities and institutes of higher education will directly be informed by the Public Relations Department of the APUIHEA. 
For further details please open the announcement!
The Association of Private Universities and Institutes of Higher Education in Afghanistan (APUIHEA) and Afghan private banks and financial institutions with the support of USAID’s FAIDA project will conduct a joint one-day event/conference in the near future. The objectives are to interconnect these institutions in order to create cooperation opportunities among these sectors for improving their services.
In a due time the top management of private universities and institutes of higher education will directly be informed by the Public Relations Department of the APUIHEA. 
For further details please open the announcement!


Association of Private Universities and Institutes of Higher Education in Afghanistan, thereafter “APUIHEA” is a national, not-for-profit and non-governmental organization representing, supporting, and taking forward rightful interests and concerns of the private higher education sector in Afghanistan.

Contact Details

Email: info@apuihea.edu.af
Website: www.apuihea.edu.af

Kabul University Road,